It is too good to be true

In our life, for those who are used to online shopping especially shops like AliExpress, Alibaba, or Wish, you know some sales are too good to be true. You see some nice things that are supposed to be expensive, you look at the price and you are like hmmm scam. Some of us don’t even try to order but others still try and 90% of the time it happens that it was indeed a scam. How many of us have been scammed like that before? Brethren, It hurts.

So, coming to shop online, and depending on the shop also, our mind has been conditioned with the fact that there are things that are too good to be true.

The same applies in our lives, with the people we meet. Some of you are so used to a life full of betrayal and difficulties that some occasions are too good to be true for you. A man asking a fine lady to work in his company for no reason without her deposing her CV. In your mind, you are like hmm he surely wants something more from her, and it can be true. A guy that comes to hit on you, telling you how serious he is, acting gentle, respecting you, basically being a good guy; but hmm your mind will be telling you: he is lying, he is fake, he will surely show his true face later, or this is too good to be true.

In sum, this world has been raised in such a manner that nothing is free, and nothing good can happen to us without a reason or without a price from you. And sometimes we tend to carry that mentality with Christ, like why would someone leave His throne to come and die at the Cross for us? Why would healing, peace, love, and wealth be freely given to us (if only we accept Him as our lord and savior)? Why would He choose me as a sinner, me who hates, fornicates, lies, drinks, smokes, is jealous, and is proud….? Why would He call me or choose me? I haven’t done anything to deserve. Why would He promise me life in abundance? This is too good to be true. Too good that unconsciously we don’t even believe, even if some of us pretend to. Too good that we think we need to prove something to deserve His love or His Grace. Too good that we are automatically removing ourselves from the path He has chosen for us.

Brethren let me tell you something, God is not like a big sale on Wish. He is too good but He is true. The love and Grace offered to you at the Cross are free. He loves you unconditionally. It is true. Look, you have therefore a place where you do not need to prove anything to anyone. You have therefore a place where you can be yourself, where you are accepted as you are, and someone who loves you regardless. Jesus, what good news. It is too good but it is true. He loves you.

Health, wealth, love, peace, protection…… are given to you freely at the Cross; just come to the throne of His Grace and ask for it. Stop running away from Jesus thinking you are unworthy, no one is worthy by His work only by the blood.

If there is even something needed from you, it will only be that you love Him back. Is that too much compared to what He wants to give you? Is love expensive?

I don’t know where you are in life or what you are expecting from God but wants you to know that He can do exceedingly abundantly above what you think or imagine.

Let me give you my definition of Faith in this case, Faith is believing in God in words and with actions to do or to be what seems to be too good to be true.

He is able❤️

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