Cry it out

Hi Fam, today I want us to be very intentional, so I want you before you continue reading to grab a pen and a piece of paper. I know some of you are stubborn, so I please ask you again, take a pen and a piece of paper and put it in front of you.😂

Today, I had in my heart to ask you, yes you who is reading this, don’t think about someone else, “are you ok ?“ before you say yes, I want to think deeply about it, no need to fake it. It is between you, yourself, and God. I repeat my question: How are you? How are you emotionally? Is there something bothering you? Are you sad? Angry? Stressed out? What is the real state of your soul, behind the smile you give your friends every day?

I want you to write down the answer, as a letter to yourself.

I have realized that so many times we are so busy with our daily lives, trying to be strong, to do the right things, to achieve our goals, or to be there for people, that we forget to sit down and ask ourselves how we are. When was the last time you genuinely checked yourself? When was the last time you told yourself you needed time off? How are you, brother? How are you sister?

2022 has been very stressful for a lot of people. Some people have left you and betrayed you. You failed your exam, financially you are not okay. Your family is fighting against each other again, your mom or dad or any other family member has been sick for a long time now. You had so many things to do lately, so many responsibilities, and so many people are counting on you. Your friendship or romantic relationship is not doing okay; you haven’t seen your family members in a while now.

Hey, take that pen and write down everything you are feeling, I want to see ink and tears in that paper or book. Put all your anger, frustration, bitterness, and sadness in that paper, and let it flow through your heart and through that ink.

It is normal to feel stressed out, it is ok to feel rejected, it is ok to be sad. You didn’t ask for any of what happened, you did your best but it wasn’t enough, write it down.

You are not less a Christian because you are feeling all this. Iwant you to open up your heart and allow all the emotions you kept to leave your chest. Some of you, you didn’t even have time to cry lately. Today is the day, I give you credit my friend, CRY IT OUT.

A strong and independent woman, fearless man
 I am talking to you today. It is the time to remove the mask of strength and to allow yourself to accept that you feel something. Strength is not defined by not being able to feel something in front of any situation or rejecting your emotions; I call it disguised weakness or being emotionally unavailable with ourselves.

Strength is being able to look at yourself in that annoying situation, accepting however you feel, and allowing yourself to go through it with wisdom and sincerity.

So I am sorry Mr/ Miss strong and independent, but rejecting your emotions is neither strength nor a solution.

So please FREE YOURSELF today.

When you will be done writing everything down, I want you to forgive yourself for not giving you time to recover; I want you to forgive yourself for giving other people priority and forgive them for what they did. I am talking about genuine forgiveness.

Next step: go into the presence of the Lord, and ask for help, healing, restauration, peace, joy, and true strength in your weakness. And allow God to hold your hands through this process. Just as the Samaritan woman, ask Him to give you that living water that will satisfy you, and won’t make you ever take water from that pit again.

The pit here signifies everything or everyone where you used to go to satisfy you in a certain domain in your life. But what is amazing about that story, is that Jesus first asks the lady to give Him water, He could have directly proposed to give her living water but He ask first.

So consider Jesus asking you this today: give me your water so that I can give you mine. Give me this academics, so that I can lead you through until you have your degree. Give me your heart, so I can fill it with eternal joy and peace. Give me, give me, give me.

Then, I will conclude with this, express yourself through your writing, accept how you are feeling, forgive and bring that matter to Jesus, who is the only one able to fill you up till you overflow and to give you everything that you will need to live this, life. Trust Him, let the rivers of living water flow from your belly. Let it flow.

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