Another day

One more day

One more day to have to move with our masks of happiness on the face

To claim to the exaltation by our material and physical assets.

Didn’t they tell us that reaching the top would be the peak of our existence?

Weren’t we supposed to live a utopia?

To tell the truth, who had defined what our utopia should look like?

One more day

One more day in a world with the exponential growth of the explosion of morals,

At the antipode of the primary idiosyncrasy of the last Adam,

Where the scarcity of personality reigns

To give way to the predominant sheep.

One more day.

One more day when in the blink of an eye the sun rose and left with hope

To give way to the darkness of the night and my heart.

I would have liked there to be stars in my heart as in the sky,

To give a little light or hope to the darkness of my soul.

Would happiness really exist?

Before you even get there, what is true happiness?

Would it be adversities-independent?

Or is it we who promote its development?

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