Give or receive

Hey guys, welcome back on Consistency.

So this is last week article I forgot to share with you, sorry.

How are you guys ? I don’t know for you but I feel like February is weirdly longer than January. How come we are not yet in March?

Anyway since we are still in February the month of love, we are going to continue talking about it.

Today it is the 23th, it is been 23 days February has started, how many times have you shown love genuinely to someone ? And how many times have you desired to receive love during these days ?

We started talking about it the week before valentine, there is more joy in giving than receiving. I am not just saying it because I want to quote a Bible verse, but it is the truth.

It is a principle God had taught me while He was working in me. So many times where I wanted someone to do something for me, He pushed me to do it for someone at that moment. At first it didn’t feel good, because I felt like: ah me I want something why should I give it to someone else, what will I benefit from it ? But as I obeyed and did it, I can affirm you that I felt more love inside of me as if I was the one receiving it. Seeing the joy of that person receiving random love felt sooooo goooooood.

You may think, but me I am always showing love to people, but they are never showing it back to me the same way, I am tired I want to receive equal attention. Let me ask you a question, if you had someone in your life that gave you more love than you do, would you ask that person to reduce the number of time they show love to you or decide to give more so that you can be equal ? I don’t think so. You may be grateful but you will want to enjoy.

Am I saying that it is not painful ? No. I am just saying I don’t believe in 50/50 no matter what we do.

You will either be the one giving more or the one receiving more. Now wisdom has to be applied here. Wisdom to know the difference between opportunists and normal human being.

I will stop here for you to think about it.

God loves you

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